Welcome to Frys-IX.
Frys-IX is a internet exchange with Frisian roots.
10GbE, 40GbE and 100GbE ports are free of charge.
If you’re interested in joining Frys-IX, please send a mail to noc AT frys-ix DOT net.
See our information on PeeringDB for more information.
Find our member list here.
Joining requirements:
- Have a valid public ASN
- Have up-to-date PeeringDB information (preferably)
- Have up-to-date RIR Whois information
- Is willing to use the route servers available
- Only send traffic to destinations advertised by BGP on the Peering LAN
- Does not send any multicast (except ARP/IPv6 ND) packets
- Will not advertise the Frys-IX addressing space outside of the Frys-IX infrastructure.
Current PoP:
- NIKHEF Amsterdam (room H140)
- Equinix datacenters Amsterdam area
- Digital Realty datacenters Amsterdam area
- Qupra DC Amsterdam
- Penta DC Leeuwarden DCF / LEE01
- via our partners in every DC in the Netherlands, contact us!
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